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Gmail Event Filter

Connect iPaaS enables you to choose specific events and filter out the rest using certain attributes of the incoming Gmail trigger events. This ability allows focused processing of the events of interest.

Event Filters for Gmail

Figure 1. Event Filtering for Gmail on Connect iPaaS

To better illustrate event filters, consider the scenario where you are using a specific email as product support for your customers. As shown in Figure 1, when an email requesting product support is sent to your Gmail account by a customer, the trigger will filter out only messages that contain the text Help in the subject line or the email body. While this is a simple example, this kind of filtering can be modified to fit your specific needs.

Event filters allow you to choose the attributes of incoming trigger events to define focused selection of events to process. In the case of the Gmail application, the trigger events can be filtered based on the following attributes:

  • From - Email Address - Email address that the email was sent from
  • From - Name - Name of the person that the email was sent from
  • To - Email Address - Email address that the email was sent to
  • To - Name - Name of the person that the email was sent to
  • Cc - Email Address - Email address carbon copied (CC) in the email
  • Cc - Name - Name of the person who was carbon copied (CC) in the email
  • Date - Email Received - The date on which the email was received
  • Subject - Subject line of the email sent
  • HTML Body (plain text) - To extract the content of an email in plain text
  • HTML Body (HTML) - To extract the content of an email in HyperText Markup Language (HTML).

See Event Filters to learn more about event filtering on Connect iPaaS.