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Gmail Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow, certain attributes of your trigger application are available to the action application for data mapping and transformation. These attributes can be mapped to the specific attributes of the action application. This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but it also allows complex transformation using Excel-style functions to apply hundreds of formulas and operations. The choice of Excel style function makes data mapping on Connect iPaaS a breeze for business users who are already well versed with Microsoft Excel formulas.

Example Scenario with Gmail Trigger

To better illustrate event filters, lets go back to the scenario where you are using a Gmail enterprise email account for product support to your customers. When a customer sends a help request to the support Gmail address their request will be logged into Salesforce as an open case for your customer care team. As a curtesy follow-up an email will be sent back to the customer informing them that their help request has been received and the customer care team will resolve it soon. This ticket creation and automated email correspondence can be designed using Data Mapping & Transformation. It will give you control on what, how, and where things are located in the external applications.

In the Salesforce case creation example, we will create a ticket where we map the From - Email Address to the case email address, the Subject and HTML Body (plain text) and some boilerplate text to the case description. This is demonstrated in Figure 1.

Data Mapping on Gmail application

Figure 1. Data Mapping for Salesforce Case

In the email response template, we will compose an email that will be sent to the customers by using the From - Email Address as the 'send-to' field and the Date - Email Recieved in the body of the email that will be sent. This is demonstrated in Figure 2.

Data Mapping on Gmail application

Figure 2. Data Mapping for automated email response

From the examples above you can use the mapped Gmail attributes like From - Email Address, Subject, HTML Body (plain text), Date - Email Received, or any of the other attributes that are available from the Gmail trigger event.

  • From - Email Address : Email address the email was sent from
  • From - Name : Name of the person that the email was sent from
  • To - Email Address : Email address that the email was sent to
  • To - Name : Name of the person that the email was sent to
  • Cc - Email Address : Email address carbon copied (CC) in the email
  • Cc - Name : Name of the person who was carbon copied (CC) on the email
  • Date - Email Received : The date on which the email was received
  • Subject : Subject line of the email sent
  • HTML Body (plain text) : To extract the content of an email in plain text
  • HTML Body (HTML) : To extract the content of an email in HyperText Markup Language (HTML).