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FinancialForce Triggers

Currently, Connect iPaaS provides three triggers for FinancialForce. The FinancialForce triggers on Connect iPaaS are combined with polling triggers (Regular polling and bulk data feed). After every user-defined interval of time, Connect iPaaS checks your FinancialForce account for changes.

  1. Object Created
  2. Object Updated
  3. Object Deleted

Triggers for FinancialForce Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Triggers for FinancialForce Application on Connect iPaaS

Object Created

It triggers your workflow when a new object of the selected FinancialForce entity (Contact, Lead, etc.) is created in your FinancialForce instance.

Object Updated

It triggers your workflow when an object of the selected FinancialForce entity (Contact, Lead, etc.) is updated in your FinancialForce instance.

Object Deleted

It triggers your workflow when an object of the selected FinancialForce entity (Contact, Lead, etc.) is deleted in your FinancialForce instance.

Trigger Mechanism Detail for FinancialForce

Once you select the target trigger, you need to choose one of the mechanisms to receive the event from FinancialForce.

  1. Polling
    • Connect iPaaS will fetch the event you are interested in periodically against your FinancialForce instance.
    • See general polling setup guide - What Is Polling
  2. Bulk Data Feed
    • Connect iPaaS will fetch the event you are interested in periodically against your FinancialForce instance and process them as a CSV file extract.
    • See general bulk data setup guide - What Is Bulk Polling.