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DocuSign Triggers

Currently, Connect iPaaS provides three triggers for DocuSign. The DocuSign triggers on Connect iPaaS works in both real-time and polling. If you select real-time, DocuSign will notify Connect iPaaS as soon as any changes are made to the Envelope, and if you select polling, Connect iPaaS will reach out to DocuSign at user specified time intervals to find if there are any recent changes. The three triggers available for DocuSign are as follows:

  1. Envelope Completed
  2. Status Update of The Envelope
  3. Envelope Sent

DocuSign Trigger

Figure 1. Triggers for DocuSign Application on Connect iPaaS

Envelope Completed

An envelope is considered complete when all the intended participants have signed and accepted all tabs assigned to them. When you select this trigger, your workflow will be activated when the Envelope is completed. Optionally, you can also specify if you want to monitor a particular envelope which has a certified unique resource identifier (Uri).

Status Update of The Envelope

This trigger activates your workflow when the status of the envelope in DocuSign changes or is updated from Declined, Delivered or Voided. Optionally, you can also specify if you want to monitor a particular envelope which has a certified Uri.

Envelope Sent

This triggers your workflow when an envelope is sent from your account. Optionally, you can also specify if you want to monitor a particular envelope which has a certified Uri.

Set up a Trigger For Your Workflow

After selecting one of the three triggers from the above options, and if you select 'polling' instead of 'real-time' as the trigger type, then you have to select a polling time interval from the dropdown bar which will define the time intervals when Connect iPaaS will check for updates related to the trigger.

Set up DocuSign Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Set up DocuSign Trigger and Polling Intervals on Connect iPaaS