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Business Central Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow certain attributes of your trigger application are available to the action application for data mapping while making API calls. These attributes can be mapped to the specific attributes of the action application.

This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but it also allows complex transformation using Excel-style functions to apply hundreds of formulas and operations. The choice of Excel-style functions makes data mapping on Connect iPaaS a breeze for business users who are already well versed with Microsoft Excel formulas.

Example Scenario with Business Central Trigger

In the example workflow, shown below, Business Central is the trigger application. The entity selected is Customers. You can access the following attributes of Business Central event that happen in Customer entity in any of the application actions while designing your workflow.

  • Name - Name of the Customer

  • Phone Number - Phone Number for the Customer

  • Email - Email address of the Customer

  • Website - Website URL of a Customer

  • Tax Liable - Specifies if the customer or vendor is liable for sales tax

  • Tax Area code - Specifies the tax area that is used to calculate and post sales tax

  • Tax Area Display Name - This is the display name of the area where the customer is established

  • Tax Registration Number - Specifies the customer's tax registration number for customers in EU countries/regions

  • Currency ID - This is a country currency code which will specify in what currency the transaction of money will happen

  • Shipment Method ID - Specifies which shipment method to use when you ship items to the customer

  • Payment Method ID - Specifies a code that indicates the payment terms that you require of the customer

  • Blocked - Specifies which transactions with the customer that cannot be blocked, for example, because the customer is insolvent

  • Last Modified Date Time - Specifies the last time stamp of data being modified

Data Mapping on Business Central application

Figure 1. Data Mapping on Business Central Application

As shown in Figure 1, we are mapping parameters from Business Central "Object Created or Object Updated" trigger to the ServiceNow (Privileged) Action of creating a new incident. We can create the short description of the ServiceNow incident based on data attributes of the Business Central Trigger. In this example, short description of the incident is constructed as a text string using "Name", "Email", "Job Title", "Employment Date" and "Private Phone Number" attribute of Business Central event in Customers entity.