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Business Central Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on Business Central by simple drag-drop and data mapping of elements and values from input trigger, derived values using formulas or desired constant that you may wish to map.

All of the actions that you see below automate what you can do manually on Business Central.

As shown below you can you can either Create, Delete or Update a record from the entity you select in Business Central based in response to a trigger event.

List of actions in Business Central

Figure 1. Business Central action on Connect iPaaS

Set up Business Central actions in you workflow

Create Object

After selecting the action as 'Create Object', you configure your action parameter that will define the entity created in Business Central. You can also construct the content of the object being created using values for the input trigger event.

Setting up Business Central Action

Figure 2. Setting up Business Central action on Connect iPaaS


Select the company that you have set up in your Business Central Account and in which the new object will be created. This step will be common to all the actions.


The entity is the object that you want to create in the Company which is associated with your Business Central account. Connect iPaaS supports the following entities:

  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Employees
  • Others
  • Countries/Regions
  • Currencies
  • Items
  • Item Categories
  • Purchase Invoices
  • Sales Invoices
  • Sales Credit Memos
  • Sales Orders
  • Sales Quotes
  • Payment Methods
  • Payment Terms
  • Shipment Methods
  • Tax Areas
  • Tax Groups
  • Unit of Measure

Once you select the Entities then you have to fill the entries in them. You can either provide your own input or you can map data which you are getting from the trigger application.

Update Object

After selecting the action as "Update Object", you can continue by configuring which entity record(s) to be updated. For this, you have the option to set And or Or condition to the selected entity fields/attributes.

Setting up Business Central update action on Connect iPaaS

Figure 3. Setting up Business Central update action on Connect iPaaS

Delete Object

After selecting the action as "Delete Object", you can continue by configuring which entity record(s) to be delete. For this, you have the option to set And or Or condition to the selected entity fields/attributes.

Setting up Business Central delete action on Connect iPaaS

Figure 4. Setting up Business Central delete action on Connect iPaaS