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Entra ID SQL Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on Entra ID SQL database application by simple drag-drop and data mapping of elements and values from input trigger, derived values using formulas or a desired constant that you may wish to map.

All of the actions that you see below automate what you can do manually on Entra IDSQL.

As shown in Figure 1, Connect iPaaS provides 4 actions for Entra ID SQL on response to a trigger event.

  1. Create Record
  2. Delete Record
  3. Update Record
  4. Upsert Record

Action for Entra ID SQL Application on Connect iPaaS

Fig 1. Action for Entra ID SQL on RoboMQ Connect

Create Record

This action will create a record on response to the event trigger into a selected table.

Select the table from the database in which you have to create record. After the table selection all the Not Null columns of your tables will be shown as required fields.

You can add optional fields of the table using the ADD (+) button. You can map fields data using trigger data or you can use Excel-style functions.

For example in Figure 2, values of Entra ID SQL are mapped to attributes from Microsoft Outlook.

Entra ID SQL Create record

Figure 2. Entra ID SQL Create Record Action

Delete Record

This action will delete one or multiple Entra ID SQL database records on response to the event trigger. You can filter records based on the selection criteria.

Select the table in your database from which you want to delete the records.

You can use the Choose where condition to add the conditions for selecting the records to be deleted. You can construct complex logic of AND (+) and OR (OR) conditions to select the records.

For example, in Figure 3, when records are extracted from a CSV file in MFT, records are deleted based on the filters in the trigger event.

Entra ID SQL Delete record

Figure 3. Entra ID SQL Delete Record Action

Update Record

This action will update one or multiple Entra ID SQL database records in response to an event trigger. You can update the record from the table based on some filters.

Select the table in your database in which you want to update the records.

Now you can add the conditions to select the records that will be updated. You can construct the conditions using complex conditional OR and AND logics.

You can select the updates that you want to perform on the selected records. You can use Data Mapping and Transformation and Excel-style functions.

For example in figure 4 below, when records are extracted from a CSV file in MFT, records are updated in Entra ID SQL based on the filters in the trigger event.

Entra IDSql Update Record Action Form

Figure 4. Update record action on Entra ID SQL

Upsert Record

Upsert operation is the combination of Update and Create or insert operations. Connect iPaaS will find if a record with matching Primary Key is present in the table. If a record is found, the record will be updated with the data provided and if it is not found, Connect iPaaS will create a new record. The Primary key can either be a single column or a combination of columns.

In figure 5 below, when records are extracted from a CSV file in MFT, records with relevant ID, name, start_ip_address will be updated if they already exist or created if they do not exist in Entra ID SQL.

Entra ID SQL Upsert record

Figure 5. Entra ID SQL Upsert Record Action