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Entra ID IoT Triggers

Currently, Connect iPaaS provides one trigger for Entra ID IoT.

Trigger for Entra ID IoT Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Trigger for Entra ID IoT Application on Connect iPaaS

New event or message is received

It triggers your workflow when a new event is received from the desired topic of an IoT device.

Set up Entra ID IoT Trigger

Select your IoT device from the Select an IoT device dropdown.

Based on the type of data you receive from your IoT device, select among Structured Data or Unstructured Data.

Structured Data

When the IoT device sends JSON formatted data you can use the keys and values of the JSON to filter the events. You can also map the values in your action application.

Trigger form for Entra ID IoT on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Entra ID IoT trigger with Structured Data type on Connect iPaaS

Unstructured Data

Unstructured Data represents all other type of data received on your IoT device topic. You can filter based on attributes of the message or the content of the message.

Trigger form for Entra ID IoT on Connect iPaaS

Figure 3. Trigger form for Entra ID IoT on Connect iPaaS

How to see list of your IoT devices on Entra ID IoT portal

  1. Go to IoT Hub on Entra ID Portal.
  2. Select your desired IoT Hub.
  3. Click on IoT devices. You will see the list of IoT devices your IoT HUB is listening to. You can also add new IoT devices from here.

List of IoT devices for Entra ID IoT on Connect iPaaS

Figure 4. Listing all your IoT Devices on Entra ID portal for IoT Hub