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Amazon Aurora Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow certain attributes of your trigger application are available to AWS RDS for data mapping while making API calls. These attributes can be mapped to the specific attributes of AWS RDS. This capability not only allows field mapping but it also allows complex transformation using Excel-style functions to apply hundreds of formulas and operations. The feature of Excel-style functions makes data mapping on Connect iPaaS a breeze for business users who are already well versed with Microsoft Excel formulas.

Example Scenario with Magento Trigger

As shown in the Figure 1, whenever an object is updated on Magento an upsert is created to the database in Amazon Aurora. Once the customer is updated in the Magento system then that information will be saved into the Amazon Aurora database.

In the form, once you select the table name all required fields for that table will be shown and other fields of the table can be added by the plus button. Upsert operation works on the primary key. In the selected table 'Email' is the primary key, if Email doesn't exist in the table then the record will get created into the CustomerDetails table. Here all Email, First Name, Last Name, and Store id are required fields in the table and we have mapped that field to the trigger data. You can add the data using Excel functions or it can be constant.

Amazon aurora Data mapping and transformation

Figure 1. Amazon Aurora Data Mapping & Transformation