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Active Directory Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on Active Directory by simple drag-drop and data mapping of elements and values from input trigger, derived values using formulas or desired constant that you may wish to map.

All of the actions that you see in Figure 1 automate what you can do manually on Active Directory.

As shown below, you can Create, Update or terminate user(s) in your Active Directory based in response to a trigger event.

Action for Active Directory on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Action for Active Directory on Connect iPaaS

Set up Active Directory action in you workflow

Connect iPaaS supports three types of Active Directory actions.

Create new user under a specific Organization Unit

A new user will be created under the specified organizational unit (OU) in response to an event trigger. You can map data elements from the event to the fields. In order to create a new user under a specific Organization unit you need to select the Organization Unit from the dropdown menu and then fill the rest of the form below it. For example, in Figure 2 you can see that the Organization unit is selected and the form is also filled with the necessary details.

Create new user under a specific Organization Unit(OU)

Figure 2. Active Directory Create new user under a specific Organization Unit Action

Terminate user under a specific Organization Unit

A user will be terminated under the specified organizational unit (OU) in response to an event trigger. You can map data elements from the event to the fields. In order to terminate a user under a specific Organization unit you need to select the Organization Unit from the dropdown menu and then fill rest of the form below it. For example, in Figure 3 you can see that the Organization unit is selected and the form is filled with the necessary details.

Terminate user under a specific Organization Unit(OU)

Figure 3. Active Directory Terminate user under a specific Organization Unit Action

Update user under a specific Organization Unit

A user will be updated under the specified organizational unit (OU) in response to an event trigger. You can map data elements from the event to the fields. In order to Update a user under a specific Organization unit you need to select the Organization Unit from the dropdown menu and then fill rest of the form below it. For example, in the figure below you can see that the Organization unit is selected and the form is also filled with the necessary details.

Update user under a specific Organization Unit(OU)

Figure 4. Active Directory Update user under a specific Organization Unit Action