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ActiveMQ Artemis Triggers

Connect iPaaS provides two triggers for ActiveMQ Artemis. The ActiveMQ Artemis triggers on Connect iPaaS are real time trigger. As soon as you receive a message on ActiveMQ Artemis Queue or Topic, Connect iPaaS will be notified of it and it will perform action according to your workflow.

  1. New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Queue
  2. New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Topic

Triggers for ActiveMQ Artemis Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Triggers for ActiveMQ Artemis Application on Connect iPaaS

Set up Trigger for your Workflow

New Message Received in the ActiveMQ queue

It triggers your workflow when a new message is published to your ActiveMQ queue. You can specify the queue on which you want to listen to the messages. By Default Connect iPaaS wil create a queue to recieve messages with the name Connect-{FlowID}. Where Flow ID is the ID of your workflow.

Queue Name

Name of your ActiveMQ Artemis Queue on which you want to listen to the messages.

Message Type

The Message type of your incoming message. See details here.

Setting up New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Queue Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Setting up "New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Queue" Trigger on Connect iPaaS

New Message Received in the ActiveMQ topic

It triggers your workflow when a new message is published to your ActiveMQ topic. You can specify the topic on which you want to listen to the messages. By Default Connect iPaaS will create a topic to recieve messages with the naem Connect-{FlowID}. Where Flow ID is the ID of your workflow.


Specify whether the topic you want to listen to is durable or non-durable.

Topic Name

Name of your ActiveMQ Artemis Topic on which you want to listen to the messages.

Message Type

The Message type of your incoming message. See details here.

Setting up New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Topic Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Figure 3. Setting up "New Message Received in the ActiveMQ Topic" Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Message Type in ActiveMQ Artemis

Following message types are available in ActiveMQ Artemis Connector on Connect iPaaS.

Text Message

Flow will Trigger if the message type is Text.


Flow will Trigger if the message type is Byte.


Flow will Trigger if the message type is Object.


Flow will Trigger if the message type is Map. Additionally, you can define the keys of incoming message to use the message data for event filtering and data mapping.
For example, in figure 4. The incoming message can have header fields AppName of type String and AppVersion of type integer.
The value of these headers will be available in Event Filtering and Conditionals. Also the value of these headers can be mapped to any Action application using Data Mapping.

Defining Keys of Map in Map type message in ActiveMQ Artemis trigger

Figure 4. Defining Keys of Map in Map type message in ActiveMQ Artemis trigger ### Any Flow will Trigger for all message types.