ActiveMQ Artemis Event Filter¶
Connect iPaaS enables you to select specific events and filter out the rest using certain attributes of the incoming ActiveMQ Artemis event. This ability allows selective processing of the events of interest.
The event filter allows you to choose the attributes of the incoming trigger event to define the selection criteria of events to process. In the case of ActiveMQ Artemis, the trigger events can be filtered based on the following attributes of incoming Messages.
- Type - Message type of the incoming message.
- Message - The contents of the message. This attribute is not available if the message type is Map.
- Delivery Mode - Persistent if the message persists in queue/topic if the recipient is unavailable otherwise Non-Persistent.
- Priority - Messages can be specified with a priority value between 0 and 9. 0 represents the lowest priority and 9 represents the highest.
- Message ID - The alphanumeric Id of the message.
- Correlation ID - Helps correlate requesuests with responses.
- Timestamp: Timestamp of the time when the message was sent.
- Reply To - The destination where a reply to the current message should be sent. If it is null, no reply is expected.
- Redelivered: The redeliverd attribute is set to true if sending the message failed in first attempt and the message is being redeliverd.
In the example shown in figure 1 above, the workflow will only be triggered when the following condition is true.
In case where Message Type is Map, You can define the keys of incoming Map type messsage and use them for filtering the Event.
For example In Figure 2, the workflow will only be triggered if the following conditions are true.
is greater than 9. These values are coming from the contents of Map type Message.
See Event Filters to learn more about event filtering on Connect iPaaS.