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AWS IoT Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow certain attributes of your trigger application are available to the action application for data mapping while making API calls. These attributes can be mapped to the specific attributes of the action application.

This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but it also allows complex transformation using Excel-style functions to apply hundreds of formulas and operations. The choice of Excel-style functions makes data mapping on Connect iPaaS a breeze for business users who are already well versed with Microsoft Excel formulas.

Example Scenario with AWS IoT Trigger

In the example workflow, shown below, AWS IoT is the trigger application. You can access all the attributes which you created while setting up Things.

As shown in Figure 1, we are mapping parameters from AWS IoT "New event or message received" trigger to the Outlook Action of sending a new mail. The email Message in Outlook is built by using the trigger data of maxValue and minValue mapped from AWS IoT. Consequently, all the IoT device information received from AWS IoT can be used to compose the Outlook email content.

You can map fields data using trigger data or you can use Excel-style functions.

AWS IoT data mapping and transformation

Figure 1. Data Mapping for AWS IoT Application on Connect iPaaS